Circumstances may dictate that you need to continue to work for the same company for the foreseeable future perhaps due to location or transport but what can you do to progress in your chosen career without changing employer?
The first thing is to make it clear to your employer that you are interested in any promotion that may be available to you. It is advisable to ask for a meeting with your line manager so that you can discuss your ambitions and ask about any further training that you could undertake to make promotion more likely. If, however your employer is not able to offer you promotion perhaps because a position is not available presently ask about training that you could undertake that would make it more likely that you would be considered for promotion in the future. Keeping a record of any achievements relating to success in the company can be a useful way of proving your suitability for promotion should the opportunity arise.
Some forward thinking companies have mentoring programs running to enable less experienced employees to be mentored by a more senior member of staff. This is useful as the mentor can help with career guidance and advice about worthwhile training courses that can be undertaken.